Every entrepreneur must know marketing

Every entrepreneur must know marketing Nowadays, marketing is a tool that every entrepreneur must know. Undoubtedly, all companies in one way or another use marketing techniques, even without knowing it. Marketing is nothing more than making exchanges between a minimum of 2 parties for there to be a mutual benefit.

We've all heard about Marketing sometimes. However, if we ask you to give us a definition, some will say it's the sale and other advertising. We would have those people who think that marketing is the distribution of products, others would think that it is design of packaging or packaging, etc.

And we could also say that everyone is right, but not independently. All these are tasks that can be developed in marketing

Every entrepreneur in that system must be up to date with this process. Knowing and having marketing experience can lead to a very practical lifestyle when programming to make sales on the Internet without prior knowledge of marketing will be propitious to fail in sales for that reason it is necessary to prepare and have a wide knowledge. Marketing is a total system of mercantile activities, destined to plan, fix prices, promote and distribute products and services that satisfy the needs of potential consumers. "

- "Marketing is the internal process of a society through which it is planned in advance how to increase and satisfy the composition of the demand for products and services of a commercial nature through the creation, promotion, exchange and physical distribution of said goods. or services. "

- Marketing is the set of activities designed to achieve, with benefit, the satisfaction of the consumer through a product or service ".

- "Marketing is having the right product, at the right time, adapted to the demand, at the right time and with the fairest price".

Most companies have a sales-oriented vision. That is, they manufacture the product they want and then they must force the purchase.

This approach is called a Company or Product Oriented Production (EOP).

This orientation practices more aggressive policies towards consumers that "obligate" them in a certain way, to buy products or services that they have not requested.

The new approaches are directed towards the customer or the consumer-oriented companies (EOC). This vision is based on:

· Find desires and do not stop until you satisfy them

· Do what you will sell instead of trying to sell what you do

· I love the customer and not the product

· The client is the owner

· Convert our clients' money into value, quality and satisfaction.

· The client is the center of our activities and everything we do is done with him in mind.

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as in cyberclic marketing teder

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