commercial engineering

Commercial engineering, is one of the branches of Administrative Engineering applies the knowledge of administrative and economic sciences and engineering as a "support" for applications of information technology to companies that is an area of ​​knowledge of the Systems engineering information.

Professional career oriented to the development and implementation of business solutions, under business models basically from the point of view of the administration, with participation in organizational decision making and productive management based on process engineering for what takes the name of "engineering ". All your accreditations are developed in the area of ​​economic and business sciences.

Commercial engineering is a multidisciplinary branch, its field of study is the national and international business relationships of a company or a nation, the application of knowledge of mathematics, statistics, quantitative methods, operations research, economics, administration, finance, marketing, business, projects and information technologies for the solution of social and organizational problems; in this way it becomes a discipline whose field of action is broad.
Its origins go back to 1903, when the Free University of Brussels in its School of Commerce begins to impart the class; In Latin America, the University of Chile began to impart it in 1935.2 Unlike other countries in Latin America, in Chile in accordance with the provisions of Article 12 of Decree with Force of Law 1 of 1980 of the Ministry of Education of Chile, the holders of the title of commercial engineer requires having previously obtained the academic title of "Bachelor of Economic and Administrative Sciences" or "Bachelor of Science in Business Administration" at a university recognized by the State. The essential lines of specialization within commercial engineering: economics, administration, accounting, marketing and international business.

The "commercial engineer" is a professional in the business area that brings together skills in strategic management and operational management, marketing and business, application of quantitative methods for their work and mathematical models in the field of processes, finance, economics and administration; therefore, they are considered as one of the branches within Engineering.

                                             Fields of action

Strategic management: plans the long-term actions of the company, develops an understanding of the macro and micro environment of an organization, is an agent of change and a creator by nature of competitive advantages, developing corporate, commercial and functional strategies.

Operational management: it is based on economics, administration, psychology, human resources, finances, qualitative and quantitative measurement methods, so that the institution works.

Commercial engineering: focuses on the description, analysis, identification of problems, improvement and adequate control of processes in organizations. It includes industrial processes, services or information technology: it is responsible for the use and prior design of technologies related to organizations. Handles ERP, CRM and other information systems.

Project engineering: plan the activities and tasks of the projects, carry out the evaluation of projects and pre-feasibility studies. It makes use of technical, economic and market tools.3

The commercial engineer is an expert in marketing, strategic and operational, because he works in the market, uses marketing tools and is a business manager, since he gathers the necessary skills to generate new ventures based on the implementation of business plans based on in market opportunities and innovation.

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